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RRP (wholesale price is shown after login):
€ 3.28

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Algaecide liquid, 1 litre - ALGENIN

RRP (wholesale price is shown after login):
€ 3.28
Model: 132016
Availability: Temporarily unavailable
Brand: Brillant Pool

In addition to disinfection, the main task of chemical water treatment is to prevent algae growth. Algae spores are carried into the water by wind or rain, making algae growth unavoidable, especially in garden pools. Algae growth can be delayed by constant chlorine levels, but cannot be prevented because most algae species are resistant to chlorine, so regular application of the algaecide ALGENIN is essential. This chemical does not affect the pH of the water, but like other water treatment products, it is only really effective in the right pH range (between 7.2 and 7.6). By maintaining an appropriate level of disinfectant, dosed every 1-2 weeks depending on the instructions of the specific chemical, algae growth can be avoided. Strong sunlight, warming water and increasing pH are very conducive to rapid algal growth. Increased dosing of modern algaecides can also kill algae in an already algae-infested pool.